Architecture & Design


The Architecture and Design book series explores cutting-edge developments across various architecture and design domains in the country and abroad. We are looking for contributions encompassing a wide range of approaches, including theoretical, critical, and generative research and practical insights. Topics may cover diverse disciplines such as innovative design practices, sustainable architecture, building, interior and furniture design, urban and landscape planning, historical and cultural heritage preservation, and integration of novelty materials and technology. Our goal is to bring together a wide range of perspectives that will enrich the field of architecture and design and foster a deeper understanding and development in the field.

Suggested Topics for Submission

          Innovative Design Practices
          Sustainable Architecture
          Architectural Design
          Interior Design
          Furniture Design
          Urban Planning
          Landscape Design
          Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage
          Novel Materials and Technologies
          Criticism in Architecture and Urbanism
          Interdisciplinary Approaches
          Architectural Education and Pedagogy


Series Editor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Marija Miloshevska Janakieska


Marija Miloshevska Janakieska is a professor at the Department of Architecture at International Balkan University in Skopje. Her research and teaching interests focus on architectural structures, facade design and construction, and building materials, with a particular focus on wood and glass, sustainability, energy efficiency, and biophilic design. She has extensive practical experience, especially in designing residential and administrative buildings.


Submission Process

Interested authors are encouraged to submit their book proposals by filling out the book proposal submission form on this website or by emailing by 20th December 2024. 

Formatting Guidelines


Citation Style: Adhere to the latest edition of APA7th (American Psychological Association) style for citations and references.  

Formatting: Use Times New Roman 12-point font with 1.5 line spacing.  

Margins: Set margins to 2.5 cm (1 inch) on all sides.  

Page Numbers: Number pages consecutively starting with the title page.  

Headings: Capitalise all words with no capitals on articles, prepositions, and conjunctions of four or less characters. Numerate the different levels of headings (e.g., 1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1.)

Figures and Tables: Number and title figures and tables according to APA style, placing them within the text. 

Footnotes: Minimize footnotes, using them for additional information or clarification, not citations.  

Proofreading: Ensure manuscripts are free of grammatical and typographical errors. 

Chapters: Organise your proposal in chapters.

Word Count of the Book: 40,000-60,000 words.