Tolkienian Essays

Prof. Ana Kechan
Prof. Ana Kechan
  • Printed Date
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  • Page Count
  • Size
    30 cm
  • Printing

Book Description

Tolkienian Essays is a collection of five essays covering different aspects of J.R.R. Tolkien’s writing. The first essay includes a broader interpretation of Tolkien’s trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, using Jungian theory, with the second and the third presenting a more specific look into two of Jung’s archetypes – the Anima and the Shadow. The fourth essay looks at the practice of disfiguring and disembodying evil characters in literature (and film) with examples from the two most famous literary Dark Lords – Sauron from The Lord of the Rings and Darth Vader from Star Wars. Finally, the fifth essay gives an overview of Neoromantic elements in the writings of Tolkien. 

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