Sanja Adjaip-Velichkovski

Assoc. Prof.
  • International Balkan University


Sanja Adjaip - Veličkovski was born in 1982 in Skopje, where she finished primary and secondary school education. She graduated in Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy, and obtained an MА degree in Communication and Media from the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, both at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje. She received her doctorate in Communication Studies from New York University Skopje. She published two scientific monographs: Children and violence (2008) and Violence and pornography on television (2020), as well as numerous academic and professional articles, just to list few: "Focus groups as research technique", "Tourism and the media", "Education for sustainable development of tourism", "Attitudes of senior high school students in Macedonia towards pornography on television",  "The story behind the story of the boys from Veles", "Towards sustainable development with quality education", "A communication model of author-reader relationship", "Effective communication as base for leadership", "Attitudes of Senior High School Students in Macedonia towards Violence on Television", "Code of ethics for journalists and its role in establishing the journalistic profession", "The importance of communications in sports".

Books by Author