The December Issue of IJEP is published

BUP is happy to announce the publication of Vol. 5, issue 2 of the International Journal of Education and Philology. 

Highlights of this issue include:

  1. Enhancing EFL Students’ Active Learning Through Experimental Learning (Tuğba Nur Karadağ Gökçe, National Defence University Istanbul; Didem Koban Koç, Izmir Democracy Institute)
  2. Factors Affecting the Mastery of English Language Skills Among University Students in Somalia: A Case at Benadir University (Kule Jerald and Muhamed Abdullahi Nuh, Benadir University)
  3. Oral Literature and Morality of Learners in Primary Schools: A Review (Baluku Syllevast, Ibanda University Uganda; Kule Jerald, Benadir University; Baluku Semei, Ibanda University Uganda)
  4. Oral Corrective Feedback in the EFL Classroom (Lindita Skenderi and Suzana Ejupi, University of Tetova)
  5. Standards for Intercultural Education in North Macedonia: Fostering Global Citizenship and Inclusive Societies (Maya Muhic, South East European University)
  6. University’s Role in Shaping Intercultural Competence Among Students (Katerina Mitevska Petrusheva and Fatime Ziberi, International Balkan University)
  7. Enhancing Efl Students’ Active Learning Through Experiential Learning (Rrita Syla, South East European University)

We invite you to explore this new issue and access the full content on our website: