The December Issue of IJEP is published
BUP is happy to announce the publication of Vol. 5, issue 2 of the International Journal of Education and Philology.
Highlights of this issue include:
- Enhancing EFL Students’ Active Learning Through Experimental Learning (Tuğba Nur Karadağ Gökçe, National Defence University Istanbul; Didem Koban Koç, Izmir Democracy Institute)
- Factors Affecting the Mastery of English Language Skills Among University Students in Somalia: A Case at Benadir University (Kule Jerald and Muhamed Abdullahi Nuh, Benadir University)
- Oral Literature and Morality of Learners in Primary Schools: A Review (Baluku Syllevast, Ibanda University Uganda; Kule Jerald, Benadir University; Baluku Semei, Ibanda University Uganda)
- Oral Corrective Feedback in the EFL Classroom (Lindita Skenderi and Suzana Ejupi, University of Tetova)
- Standards for Intercultural Education in North Macedonia: Fostering Global Citizenship and Inclusive Societies (Maya Muhic, South East European University)
- University’s Role in Shaping Intercultural Competence Among Students (Katerina Mitevska Petrusheva and Fatime Ziberi, International Balkan University)
- Enhancing Efl Students’ Active Learning Through Experiential Learning (Rrita Syla, South East European University)
We invite you to explore this new issue and access the full content on our website: